These charges are the same for all consumers, irrespective of the supplier they have chosen, are determined on the basis of the laws and decisions of the State and not by the electricity suppliers, who are obliged by law to collect them and include them in the electricity bills they issue and send to consumers.
Greek Transmission System Usage Charge
It covers the costs of operation, maintenance and development of the Greek electricity transmission system which transports electricity. It consists of a fixed charge (depending on the capacity of the supply) and a variable part related to the level of consumption.
ΧΧΣ = [SFC(€/kVA& year) x kVA x Days /365]+ [kWh x SVC(€/kWh)]
SFC: the Standard Fixed Charge
kVA: the Customer's Agreed Supply Power
Days: the number of days in the consumption period
kWh: kilowatt-hours consumed during the consumption period
SVC: the Single Variable Energy Charge
Greek Distribution Network Usage Charge
This charge covers the costs of operation, maintenance and development of the Greek medium and low voltage electricity distribution network. It consists of a fixed charge related to the capacity of the supply and a variable charge depending on consumption.
Network Usage Charge = [NUC(€/kVA& year) x kVA x Days /365]+ [kWh x SVG(€/kWh)/cosφ]
SFC: the Single Fixed Charge
kVA: the Customer's Agreed Supply Power of its installations with the Network
Days: the number of days in the consumption period
kWh: kilowatt-hours consumed during the consumption period
SVG: the Single Variable Charge
cosφ: The Customer's average power factor during the Consumption Period. Where cosφ =[1/(1/(1+(Inactive/Active)2)]% Where no reactive power is measured, take: cosφ =1.
Public utilities
According to the current legislation the services are:
Special levy for reduction emissions of gaseous pollutants
The Special Pollutant Emission Reduction Fee (ETMEAR) is defined in article 40 ν. 2773/1999, ΦΕΚ Α’ 286/22-12-99
(ETMEAR) = kWh x Unit charge (€/kWh)
Other Charges
Charges imposed on all consumers, irrespective of the supplier they have chosen, are collected in their consumption bills and paid to the State
Other Charges = Consumption x Unit Charge
SUC=[MMD (kW) x (€/kW) x (Days/30)]
MMD: Maximum Metered Demand in the peak zone (11:00-14:00) of the consumption days period €/kW
Single Power Charge Days: the number of days in the consumption period
DNUC= MMD(kW)x SFC^/kW) x (Days/30)] + [(kWh) x SVEC (€/kWh) /cosφ]
MMD: Maximum Metered Demand in the peak zone (11:00-14:00) of the consumption days period
SFC: the Standard Fixed Charge
Days: the number of days in the consumption period
kWh: the metered energy absorption from the Grid by the Customer during the Period of consumption days.
SVC: the Single Variable Energy Charge
AFC: Average Fixed Charge
AVC: average variable charge
cosφ: the average value of the Customer's power factor during the Period of consumption days, where: cosφ = [1/(1/(1+((Reactive/active)2)]%
The offer in Medium Voltage for each prospective customer will result after a complete technical and financial study prepared by the technical department of Eunice Trading.