Eunice Power provides electricity to the interconnected system, to any home and business, without any restrictions.

Eunice Power provides electricity to the interconnected system, to any home and business, without any restrictions.
Responsible for the metering of electricity is the Operator of the Greek Electricity Distribution Network (DEDDIE S.A.) irrespective of the electricity supplier. The DEDDEO sends the metering data of the customers to the suppliers every quarter. For this reason, at Eunice Power you will receive an "Against" Consumption Bill each month, based on your estimated consumption, for three months and in the fourth month you will receive a "Settlement Bill", based on the meter readings sent by DEDDEO.
The consumer is entitled to the rebate if he pays successive bills on time until the issue of the Settlement of Consumption Account. In this case, the rebate will be offset when the immediately following Consumption Bill is issued, i.e. the bill following the Settlement Bill.
Responsible for the installation of the meter is the DEDIE. You can contact the local office of the DEDIE and then the provider you choose.
As a customer of Eunice Power, you may at any time and without cause terminate the Supply Agreement, subject to par. 1. of Article 42 of the Electricity Supply Code.
Eunice Power has established and applies a specific code of conduct for the management of claims and complaints, which is available in the ELECTRICITY SERVICE PROVISION FORM.
They relate to the charges imposed on all consumers using the National Electricity System. These charges are levied on all consumers, irrespective of the supplier they have chosen. See more here.
If you would like to receive a monthly statement, you will need to provide us with your measurements through the form.
The duration of Eunice Power contracts is 6, 12, or 24 months, depending on the plan you choose.
You will receive your bill once a month.
The contra bill is calculated on the basis of the electricity consumption forecast. This forecast is created using previous historical consumption data from your meter, and the corresponding charge is deducted from the next statement.
This depends on a number of factors. If you are on a Social Tariff, please contact us to find out.
You can apply to Eunice Power if you have overdue debts that you have settled. In this case, your security deposit with your previous provider will not be released until your debt is paid in full.
You can either change provider yourself, if the electricity supply is in your name or you are transferring in your own name. Otherwise, you can ask the property owner to apply to Eunice Power.
The responsible body for the restoration of faults is the Greek Electricity Distribution Network Operator (DEDDIE S.A.). Therefore, in the event of a power failure, you should contact the Fault Centre of the DEDDIE of the area where the power supply is located.
During the transition stage to Eunice Power the power supply is guaranteed and there is absolutely no risk of a power cut. The power supply to your home or business will not be interrupted for a single minute!