We stand out in the Greek energy market because through the Eunice Power Green Energy Consumption Certification, you show that the energy you consume comes exclusively from renewable sources, such as the sun and the wind.
Green energy for homes and businesses is the sustainable choice for you and for the planet. The Eunice Power Green Energy Consumption Certification includes the Eunice Power green label and the Guarantee of Origin (GO) – an electronic certificate issued by the competent issuing body DAPEEP AE.
Eunice Power is able to provide Guarantees of Origin (GO) in accordance with the provisions of Law 3468/2006 and Ministerial Decision No. D6/F1/oik.8786/06.05.2010, Government Gazette 646 B’/14.05.2010.
A Guarantee of Origin (GO) is the electronic certificate issued by the competent issuing body DAPEEP AE and certifies the origin of 1 MWh produced from RES (Renewable Energy Sources) and HECHP (High Efficiency Cogeneration of Heat and Power) systems at a facility for a certain period of time.